
What The NDM Did Next

Readers of this once-was blog may be interested to know that The NDM has gone on to write a manuscript that won the 2019 Penguin Literary Prize and was published in June 2020 by Penguin Random House Australia. And no, I don’t know why I began this post speaking about myself in the third person. Maybe because I felt it brought the kind of gravitas one might expect of a Prize-winning Lady Authoress? Or maybe I’ve been in locked-down Melbourne so long it’s starting to feel like this whole getting-published-thing has actually happened to someone else?

ANYWAY, the point is The Spill is out now. It’s about sisters, it’s about memory, it’s about secrets and drinking and secret drinking and more, including a Pritikin Scone that features heavily* and a generous sprinkle of the usual #megalolz you’ve come to expect.

If you’re in Australia, please please please consider buying it from your local bookshop as they need your business right now. And if you’re outside Australia, you can still get it through a little website called Book Depository.

DISCLAIMER: Book does not come with complimentary beverage.

*If you read the book, you will understand this hil-a-rious joke. Yes, I’m playing the long game here.

PS. You can find out more about my life as a Lady Authoress over at my grown-up author website imbineeme.com.

The Great Unread

I wrote a blog post for a good cause and now I think a book wants to murder me. Go figure.


Just Read is a read-a-thon running this June and July to raise money for the Indigenous Literacy Foundation. 

Please read the post and consider sponsoring me and/or participating in Just Read yourself. Or at the very least, you could send me a one page summary of the plot of ‘Foucault’s Pendulum’. 

Now trying to do for crafting blogs what I did for parenting blogs @ http://thesamewool.wordpress.com

Think of it as ‘Not Drowning, Crocheting’. Or not.
