
Posts Tagged ‘popularity whore’

I ask you… what kind of person wants to come and do house evaluation at eight o’clock in the morning? And indeed, what kind of person makes arrangements for someone to come and do a house evaluation at eight o’clock in the morning?

Our bank and my so-called husband is who.

Problem was that the morning in question I’d been woken early by the kids and the puppy and had found myself in a restless mood. It was the kind of mood that, in the past, would have inspired me to turn a bruise into the face of Jesus Christ with a magic marker .

So when the valuation guy turned up and turned out to be quite cute, I started flirting with him, even though I was wearing tracksuit pants and hadn’t brushed my hair, let alone looked in a mirror for about five days. It’s the school holidays, people. Get over it.

“I took a bullet for the team,” I informed my husband later. “My reckoning was that if I flirted enough, the valuer would realise that any house that had me in it would be worth substantially more.”

I’m not sure $50 counts as being ‘substantially more’,” my husband replied, somewhat grumpily.

I knew I’d hit a sore point. He knows how hard I work at making everyone I meet like me and – ten years after the fact – still tells everyone about the time I temped in an office for three weeks and how they bought me a card and a cake on my birthday. Although, the last time he brought up this anecdote, I realised that due to the time of year I’d been in that office, it couldn’t possibly have been my birthday.

“It wasn’t a birthday cake, actually!” I told him. “It was only a card and cake because I was leaving…”

“… after only three weeks,” he replied dolefully. “Yeah, that makes me feel much better.”

Anyway, the long and the short of it is that the evaluation came in on Friday and was $20,000 less than my husband had predicted.

“It must have been the tracksuit pants,” I said, somewhat disappointed in myself. “I should have frocked up… at eight o’clock in the frickin’ morning. Shit, you should have scheduled it for eight o’clock in the evening, and then I could have been wearing a cocktail dress, full make up and heels.”

“You don’t even wear full make up and heels for me!” he cried.

“Only because you seem to think I’m only worth $50!” I sulked.

Honestly, there’ll have to be more than $50 on the table for me to put on full make-up. I mean, the last time I let KT put mascara on me, it was a deeply confusing experience for me.

“Has it clumped?” I had asked, trying to sound like I understood the perils of mascara application.

“No,” she’d replied. “Why?”

“There’s this black thing I can see above my eye.”

“Uh, that’s your eyelashes, darling,” KT had gently told me.

Who wants to walk around any more aware of their eyelashes than they absolutely need to be? Shuh!

Of course, like many women who don’t wear makeup, I like to think it’s because I don’t need it. Yeah, right. Look, I’m only listening to what my husband once told me.

“You’re naturally beautiful,” he had said – not because it’s at all true but because it’s in his contract to do so. Of course he’d then added: “Imagine how beautiful you’d be if you wore makeup!”

He’s now no doubt imagining how much our house would be worth, too…

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I once lived down the road from a café that never seemed to have a single customer dining in it.

I ate there a few times. But I realised my occasional bowl of soup and a glass of wine was never going to be enough to keep the business – and all those hopes and dreams invested in it – afloat. Whenever I walked past the café, I would feel the longing eyes of the waiting staff watching me as I approached and imagined their resentment when I kept on walking.

In the end, I took to walking a different route all together, such was the desolation I felt when I saw the empty tables.

(An aside: my husband and I once trekked across a huge car park at a busy European port to eat at a small café before our ferry trip. This café had clearly never seen tourists before and we were so moved by the experience we subsequently wrote a play called ‘The People’s Café’. In the closing scene of the play, the cafe owner hears the ferry whistle blowing in the distance and whispers  “Goodbye to the People’s Café!’ before turning off the lights. Moments later… the sound of a single gunshot… )

I have a similar feelings of sadness whenever I see untouched food on ‘Bring A Plate’ occasions, particularly if the food was home made. I will often end up stuffing my face with cakes and biscuits just so that the Plate Bringer doesn’t feel upset. I am selfless like that.

Also, you know that unopened bottle of wine in the fridge? It’s a tragic situation that I can’t just stand idly by and watch. No, not I.

I felt similarly haunted when I recently discovered one kind reader had nominated me for an online award and that I was languishing on a website somewhere with only two votes. It didn’t matter that voting for the main competition appeared to have already closed. The thought of my blog looking so… so… unloved was more than I could bear.

So I started harassing people on twitter to vote for me. Yes, in a competition that had already closed.

Unfortunately, it wasn’t a straight forward process. I had to ask people to click on a specific link, select the alphabetised view tab and go to Page 6 to find me. It was a little like asking someone to nip down the shops to buy some milk, only to then reveal that you meant organic unpasteurised goat’s milk in a handmade glass bottle that’s only available in a specialist shop with erratic opening hours.

But after I’d solicited a few votes, the inevitable happened: I shifted gear and entered “Popularity Whore” mode. I began tweeting about Every. Single. Vote and how it had affected my ranking. I turned into some kind of monster.

For the record, I’ve gone from being ranked at #249 with three votes (one of which was mine, of course) to being ranked #65 with 47 votes (one of them still mine). At one point, I even got as high as #60. That’s page two of the “Popularity” listing, you know. Yes, PAGE TWO. However, I know you can all help me get to page one…

And yes, if you – like me – find all this begging for votes a bit awks giraffe, blame the café on the corner. Oh, and that unopened bottle of champagne in the fridge.

As the curtain closes, the sound of a single champagne cork being popped can be heard.


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Dear Readers,

I realised the other day that I totally missed out on being nominated for Australian Cosmopolitan’s Fun, Fearless and Female Blogger Award for 2010 (although I’ve noticed they’re already accepting nominations for 2011hint, hint… I think we ALL want to see me treading the red carpet at that event, right?)

Luckily, the world was saved from me writing yet another angry Open Letter to Australian Cosmo because my friend ‘Mad Cow’ over at  Diary of A Mad Cow gave me this award instead:

On first glance, it appeared to be an award for being shit. But then I read it properly and realised it was an award for my rampant alcoholism and therefore quite complimentary, although the three arseholes filling in for the letters U, C and K in FUCKING were a bit off-putting.

Unfortunately, however, I can’t accept the award because I can cook for shit (she says, boasting just a little… okay a lot). Even when completely pissed on vodka, I can still cook. It’s true.

However, I’m very happy to pass it on to someone deserving. Just leave a comment describing the worst ever meal you’ve ever cooked and you can become part of Mad Cow’s Top Ten. I’ll even select the winner while drunk on vodka. It’s only fitting.

Love The NDM

PS. Let’s pretend the picture of the cow on this award is of a young deer. That way, the title of this non-post becomes so much wittier.

PPS. Let’s also remember here that the prize at stake is a JPEG! And, unlike my Bloggies Award JPEG you don’t even have to make it yourself. Gold.

PPPS. I’ll also throw in an Extra Special JPEG of my own as special prize for those entrants that are neither mothers nor bloggers. And I think we all know from my post ‘Picture Perfect‘ that when I say special, I mean special.

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